23 Mart 2016 Çarşamba

The Sick Society.

   Look around for once. the people is kinda weird isn't it? They're like programmed robots. They don't have any idea about doing what and why existed . That's the life for them, maybe that works for me too because I think i'm one of the patients of sick society too. I have learned on my childhood that the humans can only survive in cities or towns and I learnt grown-ups are living for the only surviving item (for them) called Money. They were giving more importance to money than a person. Some ones  were risking their lives, only for the money. Naturally, some kinda race (like fight) is required for the money. Here the race is creating sick society's basis like that! Each of us compared to other people when growing up.      Were forcing to race With our confidenceless personalities, because of this comparison. We've winning the race, we've earning money. We have calling ourselves "confident" when we think we are better than people like us in the community.. We've winning more race, we've want more, and when we saying "more" we're creating the other basis of sick society:  "Greediness"..
    Many of us becoming greedy persons nowadays because of promotions, innovations and advertisements.
A whole life is passing like this.
When you have no energy to race, you're retiring. But what was the meaning and the goal of your retirement?  You worked for what? For money, right? Instead of doing  something for the world we have choosed to work (job, career) for years in our whole life. Because the sick society has ordered this and it was saying: "If There is no race no money, there is no life". But the world was not a place like they know about.
   In the end, every known electronic was gonna turn into scrap and every known building was gonna turn into ruin, That was absolute end. The city life does not replace nature, If there is no nature, there is no city. But if there is no city, there is no problem, Nature still can protect it's own existence. Because it is pure like us. Naturally a person can make through without money, can be happy without money. Humans are like animals except only difference: "to Think"
Can adapt to any place with its willingnesses and instincts.
Philosophers like Descartes, Newton, Einstein, Spinoza didn't gain anything to humanity and didn't made any inventions with the education of government. The thing who gave them inspiration, trained them, let them to obtain freedom and curiosity feeling was the nature, They are succeeded because of nature . Yes I'm continuing..
   Sick Society is surrounding people like me since born, it forcefully shows us "how we can live? " and "what is the thing that keep us alive? " with our parents .
Firstly it teaches the selfishness. Then, you learned competitiveness and mercilessness in elementary school years.
In high school you learned to kick  (metaphorically)a  person who fallen.
 You have always tried being on the frontal desk to not be forgotten.
You became more evil and cruel day by day in sick society.
    The community pressure on your life is not making you uncomfortable anymore because you're finishing to adapt this atmosphere and completing your evolution. Years have passed  and you have become an adult.Congratulations! You are a zombie from now on. And After that You are a selfish slave person who thinks only about serving himself/herself. You have always did other peoples wishes because you're forced and threatened, and you've lost your self-confidence at this point. You see that sick society has made us far here with comparison and pressure. If we crush each other then it shows that we have no difference than animals. From now on we must say: " I have grown up in sick society by becoming loser and now i'm fighting against this system. I'm the nature, I'm the sky, I'm those free birds. Now Who will have courage to fight against me? "
    Otherwise our so-called benefits and our Greediness will destroy us and this beautiful planet. Lastly we forgetting ourselves while thinking money or something else. Take a break, Give some time to yourself cause the only one moment that you can still live is invaluable. We are the patients of sick society. We can still recover ourselves, it depends on our happiness and hope. We should find the power in our inner spirit that can change everything.
    Life is worth to life despite of everything,
 There's a lot things we can experience and now this moment all of them are waiting for us..